Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'M BACK!!!!!!

Man I hate blogging. At times I wonder what's the point. I personally believe that blogging is unlike a column. You see a column is something that an experienced writer is given curatorship and is expected to contribute to come rain or sunshine. A blog is just a blog and I can disappear and not have to account to anyone just because I didn't write in it.

That being the case we do have much to catch up on.

Wow, where to start.

Firstly, those darn xenophobia attacks. Yes they still so get mentioned at every braai and pub I go to, so I guess I still can blloooooggg about them. Yet it was a tragic time in our country and one that has made ashamed to be associated with the Zulu tribe. During that time I worked on a documentary with Australian journalist Ginny Stein (see and we explored the underlying issues behind the attacks. In my opinion there was no justification for the killing of people, even if that person seemed to have stolen your house.

Yet what really eecked me out was the manner in which foreign correspondents go about getting the story. Forgetting that they are tourists in the country, they act brash and insist on getting into peoples' spaces as if it's nothing. And don't get me started on the accent.

And the other big news of the last couple of months must be the oil price. Woo hoo. The oil price. One thing comes to mind when I think about the oil price is why are we still using carbon fuels to power our economies. I mean seriously didn't anyone think that oil, being a scarce commodity, would run out at some stage? And by anyone I mean our elected "leaders".

Well we find ourselves in a collective pickle where the price of a single commodity is having an adverse effect on the prices of food, transport and our general well-being. If there was ever a time when leadership was needed it is now.

And then we have the ANC Youth League, Joke League, Adolescent League...whatever you want to call it. I call a bunch of morons over 30 who control an organisation that was created by the stalwarts of our democracy. Or in short, an absolute shame.

Julias Malema goes infront of thousands callin for blood-shed in the name of Zuma our art about to be tried for corruption. When an overzealous junior despot gives a hate speech without being reprimanded....Nuff said.

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