Friday, February 15, 2008

I pledge allegiance to the corrupt state of SA

Wow. Kids now have to say an allegiance at the beginning of ach school day. What happened to the days when the hardest thing you had to learn for the school was some ancient song about the patron saints of whatever institution you attened? Gone I guess, replaced by a creed to the increasingly omnipotent ANC.

Maybe the pladge is needed now more than ever. With Jacob Zuma fast approaching his "day in court" I'm sure the man wants to say that the people (even the children) are all behind him. And what bettetr way to say than to point to the millions of school kids reciting propaganda before they learn maths.

Gustav Goebbals must be dancing in his grave to see this sort of brainwashing happening in one of the most "liberal democracies". Who knows, soon the ANC Youth League will be parading comrades past the renamed Union Buildings whilst dressed in their new black SS-like uniforms.

And that I can oath to.

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